
My G.I. Joe World The Basics G.I. Joe: Active Roster G.I. Joe: Elite Ops Cobra M.A.R.S./ Iron Grenadiers Dreadnoks Coil Firefly Inc. The Plague Cobra-La Night Creepers SKYnet The Underground Arashikage The Estrela Family


Mountain Trooper

Sergeant Albert M. Pine

Minidoka, ID

Primary Specialty: Mountaineering

Secondary Specialty: Finance Clerk

Alpine is loves climbing mountains or anything that can be scaled. He started climbing while still in high school for recreation and carried over into a military career. He enjoys the challenges associated with climbing what some people call impossible. But Alpine is not only a gifted mountain climber who can scale vertical rock faces, he is also a talented finance clerk. These two traits made him the perfect recruit for The Adventure Team. Add in his best friend Bazooka and there was no way he would turn down the offer. He is the team's resident rope expert and has helped haul the team up and over some tough climbs and he has led the team deep down into cavernous pits. Colton also assigned him to keeping up with the team's expenses. A true valuable asset to the team, Alpine's skills in the field are much needed and he always makes sure they are well funded from HQ.