
My G.I. Joe World The Basics G.I. Joe: Active Roster G.I. Joe: Elite Ops Cobra M.A.R.S./ Iron Grenadiers Dreadnoks Coil Firefly Inc. The Plague Cobra-La Night Creepers SKYnet The Underground Arashikage The Estrela Family

Jonathon J. McCullen

After escaping the missile attack on his castle in Darklonia, Darklon went into hiding letting everyone believe he was dead. Assuming the name Jonathan James, he began his own weapons business, Marauder Inc., to compete with his uncle James McCullen and his M.A.R.S. Staying under the radar and refusing to get involved in world politics. Darklon was truly dead, and Jonathan was able to make a good living selling to the smaller buyers. But with his business picking up he was beginning to need a larger factory.

That's when a young man named William Kessler contacted him with an offer that intrigued him. The youngster didn't have much money to offer but promised him that if Marauder Inc. would supply his cause then he would give him land to build his factory when he took control of Cobra Island. At the mention of Cobra Island Jonathan swore not only supplies but also his services to Billy. Not knowing what kind of services the weapon supplier could provide, it was quite a shock to Billy and his associates when a futuristic motorcycle showed up and the masked man the world knew as Darklon stepped out of it and introduced himself as Marauder John of Marauder Inc.