My G.I. Joe World
The Basics
G.I. Joe: Active Roster
G.I. Joe: Elite Ops
M.A.R.S./ Iron Grenadiers
Firefly Inc.
The Plague
Night Creepers
The Underground
The Estrela Family
David K. Hasle
POB: Arlington, VA
David Hasle has been around and seen plenty of action in his time. Older than most greenshirt recruits, he made the young recruits in the program look worthless. A firm believer that actions speak louder than words, he is quiet and reerved but full of opinions. Ask him what he thinks of any topic and he is sure to fill you in with a well thought out argument and most likely you will come away sharing his opinion. He is a firm believer in basic heavy artillery weapons. Laser guided, computer assisted, satellite tracked weapons are useless to him. He believes the artillerymen coming up through the ranks now are spoiled and are gonna be in trouble when the technology fails them.